CoinBase Wallet Extension

Coinbase Wallet Extension offers secure cryptocurrency management directly from your browser. Easily send, receive, and store Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more with robust encryption.

Coinbase is proud to announce a significant enhancement to its suite of cryptocurrency tools with the launch of the Coinbase Wallet Extension, designed to facilitate seamless interaction with decentralized applications (dApps) directly from users' web browsers.

Unlocking the Potential of dApps

The Coinbase Wallet Extension empowers users by providing them with a gateway to the decentralized web. Built on the principles of decentralization and user empowerment, this extension allows cryptocurrency enthusiasts to explore and engage with a wide range of dApps without leaving their browser environment.

How It Works

  1. Installation and Setup: Users can easily install the Coinbase Wallet Extension from their preferred web browser's extension store, such as the Chrome Web Store or Firefox Add-ons Store. Once installed, they can set up their wallet or import an existing one, ensuring they have complete control over their digital assets.

  2. Interacting with dApps: Once the wallet is set up, users can seamlessly interact with decentralized applications (dApps). Simply navigate to a dApp's website and log in using the Coinbase Wallet Extension. The extension automatically connects to the dApp, allowing users to perform various actions such as trading cryptocurrencies, participating in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, gaming, and much more.

  3. Enhanced Security: Security remains a top priority with the Coinbase Wallet Extension. Users' private keys are securely stored on their device and encrypted with a password they set during setup. This non-custodial approach ensures that users maintain full control over their funds and data.

A New Era of Accessibility and Convenience

"With the launch of the Coinbase Wallet Extension, we are excited to democratize access to decentralized applications," said [Spokesperson's Name], [Job Title] at Coinbase. "By integrating seamlessly into users' web browsers, we aim to make the decentralized web more accessible and user-friendly. Whether you're exploring DeFi, engaging in blockchain gaming, or experimenting with new decentralized innovations, the Coinbase Wallet Extension empowers you to do so securely and conveniently."

About Coinbase

Coinbase is a leading cryptocurrency exchange and platform that provides a secure and easy way for millions of people to buy, sell, and store cryptocurrency. With a mission to create an open financial system for the world, Coinbase continues to innovate and expand its offerings to meet the evolving needs of the blockchain ecosystem.


The Coinbase Wallet Extension is available now for users of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. To learn more and start exploring the decentralized web with the Coinbase Wallet Extension, visit. This announcement marks a pivotal moment in Coinbase's commitment to advancing the adoption and usability of cryptocurrencies and decentralized applications. Users can now seamlessly integrate their digital asset management with their browsing experience, setting a new standard for accessibility and security in the decentralized ecosystem.

Last updated